The policy of the Polish authorities towards Jewish vocational education in Lviv 1919–1939

Roman Romantsov


The policy of the Polish state in the interwar period towards vocational education occupied one of the most important places in education policy. Economic development required skilled workers in various branches of the farm. Jewish students in Lviv were educated in private vocational schools or in public evening vocational schools, which operated at the public schools. Polish authorities supported the development of private vocational schools in Lviv, which spread the professional knowledge among the Jewish youth. The Jewish community of Lviv founded such schools because Jewish youth was not admitted to state vocational schools. The Lviv municipality supported the activities of these facilities by splitting the subsidy from the city budget.


Jewish minority, vocational education, interwar period, Polish state policy

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Strony internetowe

Date of publication: 2018-01-31 10:30:07
Date of submission: 2018-01-29 15:01:19


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