From Mykola Khvylovy to Taras Prokhasko: European values in Ukraine's vision of contemporary Ukrainian writers

Iwan Monołatij


The article presents the view that in modern Ukrainian literature about Europe, Europeans or Europeanism, has not quite central, but what is true and not peripheral place. Most likely, this topic
is logically rooted in literary texts, which resembles more philosophical reflections on the present and future of Ukraine, is the search for the appointment of Ukraine in the modern world and contemporary culture. The author tried to prove that European values of Ukraine in the works of contemporary literature only for certain conditions can shape moral basis and customs of its customers. The author concludes that European values of contemporary Ukrainian writers is also linked with the content of songs, especially those that paint a picture of a man and his country, presenting their various problems, present their fate and life situations or political.


Ukraine, European values, modern Ukrainian literature

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Date of publication: 2017-01-18 14:04:17
Date of submission: 2017-01-18 13:35:14


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