Political genotype of Russia`s civil society: past and present

Khristina Kobeleva


The purpose of the research was to analyze the issue of genotype' features of formation civil society in the context of the Russian socio-political system changes, the genotypic background of Russian political culture which influences the logic and prospects of its development. Marked, the genotypic peculiarities determine the inner nature of political and legal culture and are manifested in the traditions and mechanisms of transmission of cultural values, norms and models, citizen behavior patterns. In this article analyzing the main forms of existence of Russian civil society’s political genotype and explored «genetic» mechanism of political culture succession.


civil society, state, mentality, political genotype, political values, political culture, political traditions, political development, social capital, trust



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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.17951/we.2020.6.1.55-71
Date of publication: 2020-07-20 13:55:51
Date of submission: 2020-06-09 17:31:13


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