Features of Sweden’s and Norway’s foreign policy towards Russia: Main problems and challenges

Oleh Kotlyar


The article presents the characteristics of the foreign policy of Sweden and Norway towards Russia. The chronological framework of the work covers the period from the collapse of the USSR and the beginning of the functioning of the Russian Federation as a separate actor in the international arena and up to the present day. The author analyzes the evolution of the policy of the Scandinavian countries towards Russia. The article sets out the main elements of the policy of these countries in relations with the Russian Federation. The researcher presents the main challenges that Sweden and Norway face today in the process of implementing this policy towards Russia.


foreign policy, Russian vector, Northern Europe, dual policy, regional security

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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.17951/we.2020.6.2.97-113
Date of publication: 2020-12-28 21:24:30
Date of submission: 2020-01-13 12:21:17


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