Contemporary model of Russian federalism: dynamics of changes, premises and consequences

Michał Słowikowski


The aim of the work is to embed the Russian model of federalism (changes taking place in the Center – regions system) in the modern theoretical and conceptual grid of federalism, using the analysis of changes taking place in 2000 – 2016 within the system of federal relations in Russia. The author uses the historical method, exegesis of legal acts and ideational method. Particularly interesting, according to the author, is the attempt to relate the Russian model of federal relations to the ideal types of federalism by W. H. Riker and the concept of the model of “police patrol” and “fire alarm”. The author tries to answer the following: 1. How was the evolution of federal relations in Russia after 1999? 2. What characterizes the institutionalization of the system of the mechanism of monitoring the activities of regional state authorities? 3. What was the evolution of the new format of relations between the Kremlin and the regional elites, and was it maintained in the spirit of the neo-warrior model? 4. What were the premises for changes within the federal relations system and their consequences. Answering these questions will verify three hypotheses: H1. Due to the Kremlin's lack of readiness to eliminate federalist provisions from the constitution, in conjunction with the “leaching” of federalist content from the center-regions relations, it is accepted to call Russia “a federation without federalism.” Attempts to “reconcile” the benefits of federalism with the practice of a unitary state allow defining the federalism of modern Russia as “unitary”. H2. As a result of the Kremlin's actions after 1999, the Russian federal model has clearly approached the maximum pole. H3. Referring to the plane of analysis of the Russian system of federal relations constructed around the axis of the model “police patrol” vs. “fire alarm”, it can be assumed that in the discussed period it definitely came close to the model of “police patrol”.


Russia, federalism, federal relations, Vladimir Putin

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Date of publication: 2019-12-23 10:11:12
Date of submission: 2019-12-22 22:38:40


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