Marcin Krupa


The article attempts to isolate individual elements of modern philosophy which is first played a significant influence in forming the foundations of a relatively new science, which are the international relations and secondly significantly influence the foreign policy of the interwar period. The text consists of four chapters, the first three are the essential elements of an overall synthesis of selected works, the most important political thinkers of the period from the sixteenth to the nine-teenth century whose thinking formed an important twentieth-century theory and practice of foreign policy. The last fourth part collate and classify international political philosophy. Interesting and distinctive feature of the work in an extensive introduction and conclusion, the aim is to show the philosophical and scientific works of the first thinkers of liberalism, conservatism and Marxism in the context of history and political philosophy and philosophy of since. Somewhat different nature is the third chapter which primarily relates to the core philosophy of Marxism, philosophy ignores the side (thought perhaps a more appropriate word is the word „side” in a negative sense) of this trend (Leninism, Stalinism) and examines the contemporary neomarxism choice theory of political and economic structure of the world to presenting an interesting yet scientific modification of Marxism theory which interestingly did not have a deeper expression of international law. Work exceeds the permitted limits of its capacity but the aim of the author was the most informative but also the most accurate and holistic approach to the most significant elements of philosophy in the analysis of the philosophical foundations of foreign policy.


philosophy; history; international relations; war

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Date of publication: 2015-07-03 10:28:33
Date of submission: 2015-06-30 23:33:36


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