Legal and political consequences of introducing the republican form of government for the political position of the head of state in New Zealand

Justyna Eska-Mikołajewska


The analysis concerns the legal and political implications of a potential political change in New Zealand on the functioning of the head of state. According to the thesis statement, the special status of the Maori may complicate the further development of events, weakening the willingness to introduce a republic in this country. In this study, the author has adopted the following research methods: an analysis of legal sources and a critical analysis as well as a descriptive method. The text is divided into two main parts and the introduction and the conclusion.


republic; head of state; Treaty of Waitangi; Maori; New Zealand

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Date of publication: 2022-01-09 20:22:33
Date of submission: 2021-08-13 14:49:51


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