Comparison of the Polish and Ukrainian Cybersecurity Systems

Viktoria Boiko


Ensuring information security is a challenge in the new COVID-19 home office reality that is essential to be expanded in its tackling across the national borders, throughout the national cybersecurity systems, across the entities that form the national cybersecurity system, i.e. business entities providing services using ICT systems, users, public authorities, and specialised entities dealing with ICT security at the operational level in different countries. As a number of researchers outline in their findings, any significant disruption to the functioning of the information and cyberspace, whether global or local, has an impact on security and safety across borders, the efficiency of public sector institutions, production and service processes, and ultimately on national, community, but also personal security [Anderson, Hern 1996; Buzan, Wæver, de Wilde 1998; Deibert 2002; Hansen, Nissenbaum 2009; Świątkowska 2012]. The purpose of this article is to have a closer look at the operational framework of governmental structures responsible for the assurance of cybersecurity in Poland and in Ukraine. Poland’s example is important as it is closely linked to the cybersecurity frameworks of NATO, the EU, UN and OSCE. This cooperation plays an important role in the fight against the increasing number of incidents. Meanwhile, Ukraine is preparing to become a member of the pan-European and transatlantic information and cybersecurity networks, i.e. it is important to have a thorough understanding of the cybersecurity system and its bottlenecks.


cybersecurity; information security; ENISA; framework of cybersecurity policy

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Date of publication: 2021-08-03 11:04:00
Date of submission: 2020-12-04 19:49:56


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