The Turkish Stream Gas Pipeline Project – Implications for Cooperation between Russia and Turkey

Justyna Misiągiewicz


In this analysis, the Turkish Stream pipeline project infrastructure will be presented.
We will concentrate on the gas transportation route from Russia to the Turkish energy market and then to the Southern European states. The Russian Federation, as the main exporter of the energy resources in the global scale, is interested to restore its strategic position in its relations with Turkey and the Southern European states. Such policy is corresponding with Turkish aspirations, to be much more influential in the region. Therefore, the joint strategic energy project will combine the interests of Russia and Turkey and will be important for both countries in terms of strengthening their position not only in the energy market, but also in the geostrategic dimension.


Turkish Stream, polityka bezpieczeństwa energetycznego, współzależności energetyczne Rosji i Turcji

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Date of publication: 2021-08-03 11:03:57
Date of submission: 2019-11-21 09:18:08


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