Taxation of Assignment of Receivables with Tax on Civil Law Transactions

Karolina Barszczewska


The article explores tax consequences of assignment of receivables based on tax on civil law transactions in Polish legal system. Taxation of assignment rises a number of concerns in terms of value added taxes, including VAT and tax on civil law transations. The issue is important mainly on the grounds of entieties taking part in trading i.e. assignee and assignor. Their ignorance, caused by lack of transparency of the current regulations, might lead to tax arreas. The difficulty in determining of tax consequences has been taken up by doctrine of law and decisions of administrative courts, which still analyse current legal environment.


assignment of receivables; tax on civil law transactions; taxation of assignment

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Date of publication: 2017-06-18 18:27:11
Date of submission: 2016-07-31 14:59:25


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