The Issue of Infringement of the Personal Rights of a Minor by Making His Image Available on the Intern

Paulina Magdalena Wójcik, Martyna Anna Dobrowolska


The violation of the personal rights of minors by their parents or legal guardians in the context of the publication of their image in the Internet space is a social problem which, according to the authors, requires special attention and thorough analysis. Many parents are unaware of the consequences of publishing their children’s image online, which may lead to potential threats to their privacy, safety and reputation. In this study, the authors undertook to discuss the problem of violation of personal rights of minors by their parents or legal guardians who publish their image on the Internet without their consent. The text is an attempt to find an answer to the key question nowadays: Do current legal regulations adequately protect minors from infringement of personal rights by making their image available on the Internet?. A legal-dogmatic and legal-comparative analysis of found data will be used to answer this question and to prove the posed thesis. The thesis that minors, on the grounds of the Civil Code and the Code of Civil Procedure, have the right to pursue claims against parents who have published their image on the Internet without their consent, is confronted with the existing jurisprudence and national laws, which constitute an introduction to the consideration and comprehensive discussion of the title issue.


minors; civil code; right to image; personal rights; code of civil procedure

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