Legal Situation of Minor Entrepreneurs Against the Background of Proposals for Changes in the Law

Jakub Suchański


The present discussion deals with the issue of starting a business by minors. The purpose of the article is to analyze the status of minors in the context of the possibility of obtaining the attribute of entrepreneur. Two main theses are put forward. The first is that the attribute of entrepreneur may be granted to persons with at least limited legal capacity. The second thesis is that the proposed changes in the law are aimed at introducing completely new solutions for minor entrepreneurs. In the analysis carried out, the views of doctrine, jurisprudence and existing legislation were used. In addition, a draft law containing potential changes to the state of the law was examined. The article is divided into thematic sections focusing respectively on the definition of an entrepreneur, the legal status of a minor, the possibility for a minor to act as an entrepreneur in the current state of the law, and potential changes to the legislation. The entire discussion is topped off by a conclusion, which includes the most important conclusions.


minor, entrepreneur, business

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Wyrok SA w Warszawie z dnia 22 kwietnia 2009 r, VI ACa 1083/08, LEX.

Wyrok SN z dnia 6 kwietnia 2017 r., sygn. akt II UK 98/16, LEX.

Date of publication: 2024-03-27 13:46:44
Date of submission: 2023-07-21 18:37:50


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