Model of Employment Relationship in Higher Education – A Theoretical Approach

Angelika Koman


There is no uniform model of employment in Polish legislation. The shape of the employment relationship of an academic employee is strongly influenced by the specific normative relationship that exists between the Labour Code and the Law on Higher Education. It should be noted that the Law on Higher Education is not a sufficient regulation. It regulates, in principle, sufficiently those issues that require, due to its nature, a different than regulatory code. The relations between these two acts are diverse, which results from the construction of Article 5 of the Labour Code. The statutory regulations affect the shape of the employment relationship. Each college as part of its autonomy can regulate various issues, creating many different hybrid work relationship models.


Labour Code; Law on Higher Education; statute; employment relationship; academic employee


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Date of publication: 2019-06-15 14:19:58
Date of submission: 2018-03-14 00:49:24


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