Structure and Activity of the German Deportation Apparatus in the Zamość Region

Bartłomiej Ługowski


In October 1939, the Zamość Region became a German-occupied territory. First displacement of the population from this area was initiated by the Germans in November 1941. But the organized action began a year later. Then the Germans marked the Zamość Region as “the first settlement area in the Generalgouvernement”. Apart from the Poles, the Ukrainian population was also displaced. The Germans ended the resettlement of the Zamość Region in the summer of 1943. This article describes the structure and activities of the German resettlement system. First, this system was created in the Reichsgau Wartheland. Then the activity of this system was extended to the area of the Zamość Region. Also the German settlement in the Zamość Region was presented. Particular emphasis was put on the German administration of settled villages.


World War II; displacement; Zamość Region; first settlement area in the Generalgouvernement

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Date of publication: 2017-12-08 21:13:36
Date of submission: 2017-06-12 09:41:42


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