The Impact of Intra-Group Relations on the Amount of the Tax on Certain Financial Institutions

Paweł Szczęśniak


This study of a scientific and research nature concerns the structure of the tax on certain financial institutions. The essence of the subject of research as a scientific problem focuses on the assessment of the impact of intra-group relations between companies on the amount of the tax on certain financial institutions. The main objective of the paper is to analyse how intra-group relations are defined in relation to the rules for creating definitions of legal terms. A lack of proper linkage of legal and factual relations between undertakings and the tax law rules, as determined by the legal-dogmatic method and jurisprudence analysis, may lead to discriminatory or preferential differentiation. The article attempts to prove the thesis that in the light of the provisions of the Act on the tax on certain financial institutions, there is a problem of privileging groups of companies in which, in addition to a domestic entity, which is a taxpayer, members are also those having its registered office or place of management outside the territory of the Republic of Poland. The article contains legislative recommendations that should improve the provisions of the Act on the tax on certain financial institutions. Despite the fact that the article deals with a dogmatic analysis of Polish tax law, the conclusions drawn from it may be of universal importance in relation to the principle of equality understood as the obligation to treat entities in a similar situation equally, without differentiations, either discriminatory or preferential.


tax law; financial institutions; tax on certain financial institutions, groups of companies



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Date of publication: 2023-06-27 10:36:58
Date of submission: 2023-03-04 22:05:04


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