Objectives of Mediation and Selection and Implementation of Mediation Strategies and Techniques by Mediators in Civil Disputes – Study Report (Part I)

Adam Zienkiewicz


Studies of understanding and identification of mediation objectives, strategies and techniques and the effectiveness of mediation proceedings are justified from the cognitive and practical perspectives. The aim of this paper is to present the report of an empirical study, devoted to the subject matter mentioned above, conducted by the author as part of the scientific activity financed by the Polish National Science Centre. The paper is complex in nature – it deals with the research, concept and methodological threads. The empirical study was conducted in Poland, with Polish mediators participating in it, providing mediation services mainly in one of the Mediation Centres operating at District Chambers of Legal Advisors, making up the National Network of Legal Advisor Mediation Centres. However, considering the universal and utilitarian nature of the issue in hand, the comparative potential, originality and cognitive value of the study findings may be of interest to both Polish and international scientists and practitioners of mediation as an amicable form of holistic legal dispute management. Given the scope and depth of the issues addressed, the article is divided into three parts. This text (which constitutes part I) presents the subject, scope and objectives of the study and the general research hypotheses, followed by the course of the research and the major methodological assumptions, including the main empirical research tools: a survey questionnaire and an interview scenario.


objectives of mediation; mediation strategies; mediation techniques; mediation effectiveness



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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.17951/sil.2021.30.5.601-618
Date of publication: 2021-12-17 19:45:42
Date of submission: 2021-08-28 15:24:00


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