Women as Perpetrators of Crimes in Poland: An Analysis from a Statistical Perspective

Joanna Brzezińska


The article aims to determine the trends in the phenomenon of female delinquency in Poland in the years 2003–2018. To this end, on the basis of statistical data obtained from the Ministry of Justice: 1) the total number of convictions of female perpetrators during the analysed period was determined; 2) the categories of crimes which resulted in the highest level of convictions of female perpetrators were identified; 3) the types of crimes which dominated the criminal activity of women were analysed; 4) it was determined whether the level of female aggression accompanying the implementation of crimes increases. In the course of the research, several remarks were formulated, of which three findings remain the most important: 1) women commit crimes analogous to those of men (the absence of such prohibited acts which they would not commit); 2) infanticide, which was considered to be the most symptomatic female crime in view of the incidence of convictions under Article 149 of the Polish Criminal Code, loses its character; 3) the crime which dominates from the perspective of statistical research on the number of convictions of female perpetrators is currently fraud.


phenomenon of female delinquency; number of convictions of female perpetrators; infanticide; fraud



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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.17951/sil.2021.30.1.11-34
Date of publication: 2021-03-31 14:40:13
Date of submission: 2020-12-14 16:06:04


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