Medical-Malpractice Disputes – Analysis of the Use of Evidence from Medical Disciplinary Proceedings in Litigation for Damages

Iwona Wrześniewska-Wal


The article presents the principles of practicing the medical profession, which are based not only on compliance with the law, but also have their basis in professional deontology. It should be assumed that one of the most important principles that a physician should never forget at every stage of his or her professional activity is the principle of due diligence. This issue of medical due diligence is assessed by both medical and civil courts. The study indicates the legal and actual possibilities of using evidence from proceedings before a medical court in a civil trial for a medical error. The following evidence was analyzed: medical records, expert opinion, and judgments issued by other courts.


due diligence; professional deontology; malpractice; physicians



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Date of publication: 2022-09-28 19:31:31
Date of submission: 2020-04-30 01:11:28


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