The Crisis of Security of an Individual in the European Union in the Context of Refugee Rights

Wojciech Konaszczuk


Globally, it is worth stressing that international law, European law and national laws must fulfill the same standards, considering the human rights laws. Since the end of the Second World War, the sphere of international human rights law, including the set of rights of human beings, increased tremendously. In the sphere of human rights, the set of refugees’ rights is one of the most important. On the other hand, the sphere of human rights since September 11 had to face the problems of security on a global scale. Today, security impacts the governments, international organizations, NGOs as well as human beings. Let us say that security influences both local and global policy. From this point of view, the article analyzes an important question: Is the human rights system able to function properly with the growing lack of security both in international and regional relations? Can the European Union and its Member States afford total acceptance of international refugee rights regulations referring to African natives? The article refers to the facts from the last few years which totally changed the attitude to human rights laws. It seems that today international organizations such as the United Nations and its specialized agencies should again work on the system of human rights referring to refugees, including legal aspects of counterterrorism. The author also takes into account the necessity of cooperation between the governments in a wider scale, including mutual cooperation and legal activity.


security of EU citizens; refugees’ rights; migration crisis in the EU; refugee procedures; security law v. human rights


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Date of publication: 2019-10-08 15:09:20
Date of submission: 2019-01-08 11:33:13


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