Mediation and Enforcement Proceedings

Piotr Szczekocki


The issues of mediation and enforcement proceedings discussed in the study are focused on presenting both these institutions functioning in the widely understood law application process. On the one hand, mediation as a supplementary form of the law application process, on the other hand, enforcement proceedings as this part of the law application process whose primary goal is execution of the legal norm specified at the earlier stages of the decision-making process. An element shared by both these institutions in the judicial law application process is an institution of a settlement agreement concluded before a mediator which is the result of mediation proceedings and provides the basis for commencement and implementation of court execution. In the procedural dimension, mediation perceived as an alternative form of dispute resolution needs to have tools guaranteeing that its provisions shall be executed in case they are not voluntarily followed. This function is fulfilled by the state which has the exclusive rights to use various forms of coercion, including enforcement, in order to implement the provisions of a legal decision.


mediation; enforcement proceedings; law application process; settlement agreement concluded before a mediator; enforceable title


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Date of publication: 2018-09-30 21:52:20
Date of submission: 2018-05-08 14:02:06


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