Public-Private Partnership and the Institution of Mediation

Bartosz Liżewski, Michał Liżewski


The aim of this article is to present relationships between the institutions of public-private partnership and mediation under Polish law. To this end, both the legal and non-legal nature of public-private partnership needs to be presented in detail. This institution is usually applied in a specific system of social demand for specific infrastructure, equipment or services. The dialogue pursued in this respect at the level of local community as part of relations of this community with local authorities and under formal procedures between the authorities and a private entity or entities interested in cooperation in a public-private partnership may lead to the initiation of mediation or quasi-mediation.


public-private partnership; mediation; public entity; private partner; public consultation; negotiations; public procurement


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Date of publication: 2018-09-30 21:52:21
Date of submission: 2018-04-23 13:03:27


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