Review of the Legislation Regulating the Use of Land. Legal and Administrative Issues

Monika A. Król


Degradation of the land in various forms is one of the basic and persistent global problems. Irrational agricultural activity, deforestation, increasing industrialization and progressive urbanization lead to the loss of important functions of this natural resource. This is a serious problem throughout the European Union, as evidenced by statistical data disclosed in reports of the European Commission. Due to the failure to develop regulations at the EU level ordering the issues of protection of land surface and the fragmentary nature of binding regulations, each of the Member States, including Poland, selected legal means to achieve the assumed objectives related to both the obligation to protect the function of this resource, quality monitoring, registration pollution, or restoring utility and natural values. The aim of the conducted research was to analyze legal regulations establishing administrative law forms of rationing for the use of earth’s surface and their assessment in terms of implementing the principles of sustainable management of this resource. It should be stated that the gradually introduced instruments of land use regulation are not completely used to implement the principle of sustainable land management, although de lege ferenda would have to make an application for ensuring stable, comprehensive and coherent solutions.


land management; soil; thematic strategy; rationing the use of natural resources; remediation; recultivation

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Date of publication: 2019-06-15 14:20:00
Date of submission: 2018-03-01 19:49:07


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