A Political Upheaval as a Form of Succession of the Royal Power in the United Monarchy of Israel. From Saul to Solomon

Marcin Konarski


The aim of this article is to analyse the issues related to a political upheaval as a form of the succession of royal power in the monarchy of united Israel in the period that started during the reign of the first king of the Hebrews – Saul – till the last years David spent on the throne. During the period analysed in this article, there were several unsuccessful attempts to seize power through a political coup. Due to the fact that the inheritance based on the principle of primogeniture was never unambiguously introduced in the Kingdom of Israel, the most serious upheaval, described as a palace revolution, took place at the end of King David’s life. As a result, the younger son of David – Solomon – ascended to Israel’s throne, despite the fact that there were no legitimate grounds for him to take power.


monarchy; Bible; Israel; royal power; political upheaval; coup d’état; King David; Absalom; Adonijah; Solomon; anointment


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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.17951/sil.2018.27.4.51-70
Date of publication: 2019-06-15 14:19:59
Date of submission: 2018-01-24 08:21:53


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