Legal Determinants of Development of Agricultural Cooperatives in the Countries of the European Union. European, National and Regional Aspects

Aneta Suchoń


The aim of the article is to evaluate the national legal instruments (determinants) affecting the establishment and operation of agricultural cooperatives. This problem is wide, therefore, deliberations focus primarily on French and Italian legislation. It presents a brief evolution of regulations on agricultural cooperatives in these countries, with special focus on Rural Code (French Rural Code) and the Italian Civil Code. Emphasis is put on a broad definition of agricultural cooperatives occurring in France and legal simplification concerning the activities of these entities in Italy. Further discussion focuses on the Polish legislation. Particular attention has been given to the development of cooperative agricultural producer groups which was partly a result of significant changes in law. In conclusion, the author states that the legislatures of the old EU Member States have introduced over the years a number of legal instruments affecting the establishment and operation of agricultural cooperatives. While the Polish legislator is trying to facilitate the creation and operation of cooperatives, gradually introducing changes to different legal acts. Such a legislative way is only temporary and does not solve the problems in a comprehensive manner. Therefore, the author favorably evaluates the preparation of a draft act on cooperatives of farmers.


cooperatives; agricultural cooperatives; Common Agricultural Policy; cooperative agricultural producer groups; energy cooperatives

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Date of publication: 2017-10-03 16:52:19
Date of submission: 2017-05-23 11:58:21


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