Permission of the President of the Agricultural Property Agency as a Condition for Acquisition of Agricultural Property

Elżbieta Kremer


In view of more stringent restrictions on the acquisition of agricultural property, including the basic principle according to which the purchaser of agricultural property can only be an individual farmer and legally binding exceptions to that rule have a very limited scope, the possibility of acquiring the agricultural property with the permission of the Agency’s President in many cases is the only viable way. Therefore, the stringency of the accepted solutions concerning the acquisition of agricultural property was, at the same time, the reason for introducing the solution which would mitigate this stringency. However, the particular solutions concerning the permission of the Agency’s President to acquire agricultural property may raise a number of doubts. They concern, in particular, statutory prerequisites for obtaining such permission.


the Agricultural Property Agency; agricultural real estate trading; administrative decision

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Date of publication: 2017-10-03 16:52:02
Date of submission: 2017-05-09 09:56:10


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