The Prime Minister of the Council of Ministers as a Body Subject to Sejm Control (in the Light of Normative Regulations). Part II: Prime Minister as a Body Subject to Sejm Control in Other Governmental Institutions

Jerzy Kuciński


In this article the attention is paid to other roles of the Prime Minister in governmental institutions as a body subject to Sejm control, to mention only his position within the governmental administration (vis-à-vis deputy prime ministers, ministers outside cabinet, “non-governmental” organizations of state administration); position of the Prime Minister as a sole supreme body of state administration; his relations with other central bodies of state administration (President, Sejm, Supreme Audit Office). The problem of accountability of the Prime Minister to Sejm has also been contemplated.

Making an attempt in both parts of the article to evaluate the influence of various factors on legal and governmental status of the Prime Minister as a body subject to Sejm control, the following has been stated: a) The Prime Minister holds a very strong position and plays a leading role within the structures and functioning mechanisms of the Council of Ministers and in relations with “non-governmental” bodies of state administration, b) position of the Prime Minister in managing the Council of Ministers, a body ranking number one within the structures of executive power and wide authority of the Prime Minister including non-legal factors result in an important role played by the Prime Minister within the entire system of the authorities of the Republic of Poland. These factors also confirm how important is Sejm control of the Prime Minister’s activity for the proper implementation of the principle of separation and balance of powers.


Council of Ministers; Prime Minister; coordinate and control work of the cabinet members; deputy prime minister; minister; voivode; accountability to Sejm

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Date of publication: 2017-12-08 21:13:34
Date of submission: 2016-10-25 10:51:07


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