Regulation of Work and Rest Pattern for Personnel of Transport Companies in Ukraine: Peacetime and Specifics of Wartime

Nadiia Novalska, Oksana Kyrylenko, Viktoriia Klymenko, Kateryna Razumova, Valentyn Kediulich


The article substantiates the relationship between human working capacity and the work and rest pattern of the personnel of transport enterprises. Driving vehicles requires increased working capacity, that is why the legislation must clearly regulate the working time of the personnel involved in transportation. The specifics of the legal regulation of the work and rest pattern of employees of air, road, rail and water transport enterprises are considered in accordance with the norms of the legislation of Ukraine and some conventions of the International Labour Organization. Unfortunately, there are currently no legal norms regarding the regulation of the work and rest pattern for carriers in conditions of martial law, depending on the region in which they operate. The authors make conclusions about the need to study the experience of European countries regarding the regulation of the working time and rest time of transport workers according to: different modes of transport; intensifying the process of ratification by Ukraine of international agreements on regulation of the work and rest patterns; strengthening the responsibility of employers for non-compliance with the requirements of legal norms regarding the working time and rest time of employees; cooperation of employers, trade unions and state authorities in the development of program provisions and effective mechanisms for the implementation of defined norms for the protection of socio-economic and labour rights of employees at transport enterprises; revising the work and rest pattern of transport sector workers in accordance with the conditions of martial law; legal recognition of higher social guarantees for carriers working in front-line zones and combat zones.


work and rest pattern; transport; personnel; transport companies; safety

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Date of publication: 2024-06-27 10:20:58
Date of submission: 2024-01-13 17:28:27


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