The Legal Framework for Local Government Coordination in Romania

Anthony Murphy, Flavia Ghencea


This scientific paper aims to fill the gap in intergovernmental coordination in Romania by assessing the strengths and shortcomings of the corresponding legal framework. Methodologically, it employs the doctrinal legal research of institutions involved in the vertical and horizontal coordination of local government. In essence, local government coordination occurs both within and beyond a complex framework of institutional structures dedicated to cooperation. Local councils may engage in town twinning and join national or international local government associations, while county councils and prefects exist for the very purpose of local intergovernmental coordination: local councils are coordinated by county councils in the pursuit of county-level goals, whereas prefects head the deconcentrated public administration and may foster vertical coordination with the central government. However, coordination amongst local governments may also occur by setting up or joining intercommunity development associations or administrative consortia, especially if they are unable to secure EU funds on their own. The authors argue that the complex institutional framework of the Romanian legislation both fosters and hinders coordination.


intergovernmental coordination; local government; local governance; Administrative Code of Romania; intercommunity development association; administrative consortium

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Date of publication: 2023-12-31 14:29:21
Date of submission: 2023-10-31 15:11:58


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