The Development of Mediation in Poland and Ukraine: A Comparison and Prospects for Experience Exchange

Anna Kalisz, Alina Serhieieva


Ukraine has become a candidate country for the European Union membership, which brings challenges, including those of a legal nature. One of such challenges is the regulation of the institution of mediation, which is a subject of interest to European institutions (both within the Council of Europe and the European Union) that actively promote methods of alternative dispute resolution (ADR methods). The aim of the article is to compare the current development of mediation in Poland and Ukraine, as well as to determine to what extent there are similarities in successes and challenges and to what extent the Polish experience could be helpful for the development of mediation in Ukraine. The essence of the problem is whether Ukraine shall follow Polish solutions in this area.


mediation; alternative dispute resolution; ADR; development of mediation; Poland; Ukraine

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Date of publication: 2023-09-29 15:54:19
Date of submission: 2023-01-24 12:31:15


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