The Impact of the Quality of Information on the Use of Freedom of Expression

Kinga Machowicz


Both freedom of expression and information quality are socially significant issues. They are however treated separately in the studies to date. The subject of theoretical research, whose results are discussed in the present article, is the connection between the two problems. The objective of the article is to define the impact of the quality of information on the way freedom of speech is used. To achieve this, the following hypotheses are verified: 1) appropriate information quality is conducive to behaviors that are within the freedom to express opinions; 2) inappropriate information quality need not be intentional; 3) the deliberately wrong quality of information may result in situations that are not within freedom of expression; 4) it is possible to effectively counter the use of information of intentionally wrong quality. The article is of scientific and research character. The presented problems have an international scope.


freedom of expression; right to information; information quality



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Date of publication: 2022-09-28 19:31:25
Date of submission: 2022-02-07 14:24:39


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