Referendum in the Slovak Legal Order: Many Questions, Few Answers?

Bystrík Šramel


The author of this paper deals with the issue of the referendum in the Slovak legal order, which has long been the subject of numerous professional debates in the Slovak Republic. It is a legal institution that is relatively problematic in Slovakia because the legal regulation concerning the referendum is written in many respects vaguely and raises many questions from a practical-application point of view. For this reason, in the first chapters, the author examines the legal regulation of the referendum in the Slovak Republic in general and outlines the questions to which Slovak legal science does not have clear answers. At the same time, the author analyses the latest decision of the Constitutional Court of the Slovak Republic, which has enriched the issue in question with some new and necessary answers.


referendum; Slovak Republic; Slovak legal order; Constitutional Court of the Slovak Republic

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Act no. 50/1976 Coll. on land-use planning and building order.

Act no. 369/1990 Coll. on municipalities.

Act no. 302/2001 Coll. on self-government of higher territorial units.

Act no. 180/2014 Coll. on the conditions of electoral law and change and completion of certain laws.

Constitution of the Slovak Republic no. 460/1992 Coll.

Constitutional Act no. 357/2004 Coll. on the protection of public interest in the discharge of functions of public officials.


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Date of publication: 2022-03-29 11:56:28
Date of submission: 2022-01-24 14:55:11


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