Social Justice and Solidarity in Agricultural Law (on the Example of Rural Development Support)

Dorota Łobos-Kotowska, Adam Doliwa


The aim of the article is to redefine the elements of the paradigm of agricultural law, as seen through the lens of the concepts of social justice and solidarity, as well as public goods and their role in agricultural law, using the example of laws that govern rural development support. These principles should be treated as an important determinant of a fair balancing of the general interest (common good) and the interests of the individual. It should be stated that Polish statutory regulations in the field of supporting rural areas and providing public goods by farmers, directly or indirectly, follow the axiological paradigm. The implementation of the idea of social justice and solidarity should also aim at the sustainable development of rural areas. Such an approach should be reflected in the rural development support system, which is based on the assumption that production support for farms should be accompanied by certain obligations imposed on entities managing agricultural land. It is also necessary to formulate a postulate that the law of rural development should stimulate pro-environmental and pro-social attitudes.


social justice; solidarity; rural areas; rural development support

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Date of publication: 2021-12-17 19:45:27
Date of submission: 2021-06-27 11:59:07


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