Implementation of the Provisions of the European Convention for the Protection of Pet Animals into Ukrainian Legislation: Some Theoretical and Applied Aspects

Nadiia Kobetska, Lesia Danyliuk


European integration processes in Ukraine have led to the approximation of national legislation to European standards, including pet handling. The first and currently the only ratified European convention in Ukraine on protection and ensuring animal welfare is the European Convention for the Protection of Pet Animals. The article describes the major doctrinal, legislative and practical aspects of implementing this Convention into Ukrainian law. The legal regulation of the humane treatment of domestic animals in Ukraine is based on the Law of Ukraine on the protection of animals from cruel treatment, its provisions being of a general nature, and detailed solutions are found in other laws and regulations. Detailed rules for dealing with pets are determined by municipalities and they are implemented in the relevant administrative and territorial units. The concept of “animal rights”, despite its proclamation in the preamble to the Law of Ukraine on the protection of animals from cruel treatment, has no formal legal representation and reflection in Ukrainian legislation. Nevertheless, Ukrainian legal academic doctrine, legislative process and law enforcement practice are currently embodying the concept of animal welfare. The development and implementation of a coherent legal mechanism for pet handling is the major contributing factor in achieving pet welfare, therefore Ukraine needs a clear strategy to improve its legal regulation.


pets; ensuring animal welfare; protection of animals from cruel treatment; animal rights; European Convention for the Protection of Pet Animals; Ukraine



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Date of publication: 2021-09-16 22:46:37
Date of submission: 2021-03-04 17:14:24


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