The Genesis of the Prohibition of Corporal Punishment against Minors and the Consequences of Its Application

Michał Grudecki


To present the purpose and the actual role of the prohibition of corporal punishment against minors in society, the sources, causes and effects of introducing this normative prohibition are analysed, based on the example of the Polish legal system. The sources that sought to adopt the amendment in question are indicated, as well as the entities influencing the enactment of the prohibition in its final version. The situation of entities that will reap benefits from the ban in question and those to suffer losses is also described. The analysis of formal and informal rules relating to the upbringing methods used in the society is aimed at answering the question of whether the prohibition of corporal punishment against minors achieved the goal intended by the legislator or even caused the opposite effect.


corporal punishment; minors; prohibition; the Polish legal system; upbringing methods; legislator



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Date of publication: 2021-10-13 00:45:38
Date of submission: 2021-02-12 15:01:56


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