Analysis of the Causes of Conflicts at Universities and Alternative Methods of Resolving Them. Part II: Academic Ombudsman and Adjudicative Methods

Ewa Gmurzyńska


This study is the second part of the article entitled: Analysis of the Causes of Conflicts at Universities and Alternative Methods of Resolving Them. Part I: Mediation in Academic Disputes. The first part analyzes the causes of conflicts at universities and the basic alternative method of solving them – mediation. The second part focuses on the issue of academic disputes in the context of the court proceeding, and discusses the institutions of the academic ombudsman, arbitration in academic disputes and mixed methods, in particular the Office of Independent Adjudicator. Due to the changing expectations of students towards universities, contractual nature of these relations, increased number of court proceedings brought against universities or anticipation of such an increase, as well as the development of ADR methods in various fields, universities around the world started to look for new ways of solving academic disputes that would protect the independence of universities and at the same time fulfill an educational function. ADR methods such as mediation, ombudsman or arbitration may effectively replace or supplement insufficient internal procedures, as well as court proceedings characterized by high costs, lengthy procedures and formalism. These methods are better adapted to the nature of the academic community, take into account the voice of the participants, give them the opportunity to influence the proceeding and outcome of the dispute, ensure the equality of the parties. They also fulfill educational purposes, especially in disputes involving students, as they give the possibility of ending the dispute through dialogue and taking into account the point of view of the other party.


academic disputes; ombudsman; academic ombudsman; arbitration; mediation



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Date of publication: 2021-06-30 23:18:52
Date of submission: 2021-02-11 21:59:52


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