Humane Protection of Animals Against the Effects of Fireworks Displays

Ewa Szewczyk


This article is of a scientific and research nature. Its subject is the humane protection of animals, expressly declared by the Polish legislator in the provisions of the Animal Protection Act, as regarded in the context of wide access to individual use of fireworks by private persons. The author seeks an answer to the question whether the legislator’s high-sounding declarations expressed in the Animal Protection Act, providing for humane protection of animals in Poland, are reflected in respective national or local regulations which would make it possible for the owners or guardians of animals to protect them against the effects of fireworks, especially against noise. The aim of the research is to indicate who, if it has not already been done by the national legislator, is authorised to issue regulations limiting the use of fireworks, in a manner modelled for example on Australian solutions, where displays can be organised by licensed, authorised companies, or in a manner whereby the owner or keeper of the animal is informed in advance by an announcement on the Internet or in a local newspaper of the planned place and date of the pyrotechnic show, so that he or she can provide protection for his or her animal by moving away from the venue in advance. The analysis of national solutions aims to indicate how the shortcomings in this area should be addressed by the regional legislator.


humane protection of animals; Animal Protection Act; fireworks displays; pyrotechnic show



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Date of publication: 2021-09-16 22:46:57
Date of submission: 2021-02-09 14:54:21


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