The Chair of Administration Science and Administrative Law at the Faculty of Law and Economics at the University of Poznań in the Interwar Period: Organization and Main Research and Teaching Directions

Adam Ostrowski


The aim of the article is to analyse source materials related to the functioning of the Chair of Administration Science and Administrative Law at the University of Poznań. The study discusses the problems experienced by the then-contemporary scientific and lecturing staff, and also characterised the atypical structure of the Faculty of Law and Economics, as composed of the sections of state law and economy. The organization of the chairs of administrative law at the University of Poznań was separated and their main research and development directions and the most important representatives were indicated. The article broadly discusses the issue of teaching administrative law in comparison to other chairs of the University of Poznań, so that the conclusions give the best possible image of the discussed subject.


administrative law; interwar period; Faculty of Law and Economics; University of Poznań; teaching administrative law



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Date of publication: 2021-10-13 00:45:54
Date of submission: 2020-09-25 11:11:16


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