Application of Administrative Law in the Time of Reforms in the Light of the Scope of Judicial Review in Hungary

István Hoffman


The Hungarian legal system and especially the administrative law is in the state of permanent change. This constantly transforming environment is a challenge for the rule of law. Every significant field of administrative law is impacted by these changes – even the judicial review model of the administrative decisions. The author analyzes the impact of these changes – especially from the last three years – on the application of administrative law. The issues raised in the article are focused on the transformation of the procedural rules, in particular on the impact of the new Act I of 2017 – Code of Administrative Court Procedure and its amendment in 2019. Two major institutions are analyzed further. First, the work analyzes the impact of the reform on the system of legal remedies in the administrative law, i.e. the reduction of the intra-administration remedies, the administrative appeal. Secondly, the extent of the judicial review was examined, in particular debates, codifications and amendments of the cassation and reformatory jurisdiction of the courts. The courts are currently the major interpreter of administrative law, whose change can be interpreted as a paradigm shift of the approach of the application of administrative law.


administrative procedure; legal remedies; judicial review; judicial discretion; cassation; administrative courts; the right to an effective remedy

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Act XLIII of 1883 –¬ the Financial Administrative Court.

Act XXVI of 1896 – the Hungarian Royal Administrative Court.

Act III of 1951 – Code of Civil Procedure.

Act IV of 1957 – Administrative Procedures.

Act CL of 2016 – Code of General Administrative Procedure.

Act I of 2017 – Code of Administrative Court Procedures.


Decision No. 32/1990 (published on 22 December) of the Hungarian Constitutional Court.

Judgement of the Court (Grand Chamber) of 29 July 2019, case C-556/17, ECLI:EU:C:2019:626, mode=req&dir=&occ=first∂=1&cid=5666736 [access: 10.02.2020].

Res. No. KK 14 of the Administrative Branch of the Supreme Court of the Republic of Hungary.

Unity decision No. 3/1998 KJE of the Supreme Court of the Republic of Hungary.

Date of publication: 2020-06-30 09:44:36
Date of submission: 2020-04-27 22:50:32


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