Interpretative Discretion of Judiciary and the Well-Being of the Child

Katarzyna Hanas


The well-being of the child is a common criterion in many Polish normative regulations pertaining to different branches of law. It is both a tool for the law-making and the executive bodies, employed to direct the law-applying bodies towards ensuring full protection of the child. This article is focused on analysing interpretative judicial discretion with respect to the well-being of the child as manifested in the judicial decisions of the Supreme Court and in the judgements of the Supreme Administrative Court and Constitutional Tribunal. In the course of the research, the author undertakes to determine the essence of interpretative judicial discretion in cases predominantly focused on establishing the current and postulated situation of the child with a view to ensuring the most favourable ruling for the same.


interpretative discretion of judiciary; the well-being of the child; extra-legal axi

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Date of publication: 2020-06-30 09:44:45
Date of submission: 2020-04-27 19:49:37


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