Protection of Biosphere Resources in Plant Production

Małgorzata E. Szymańska


The article analyzes the impact of plant production on the protection of biosphere resources. Agriculture significantly affects the quality of resources and natural environment assets and shapes their character. The quality of environmental resources determines the size and directions of agricultural production, and agriculture changes ecosystems, shapes the landscape, affects the quality and quantity of natural resources. European integration has influenced the relationship between agriculture and the environment in many directions. EU legislation and the formulation of development strategies and economic programs contribute to the greening of agricultural land use and the protection of biosphere resources. The assessment of these activities is definitely positive due to the creation of conditions for conflict-free coexistence of the protective function and the agricultural function.


agriculture; biosphere; crop production; natural resources; agricultural activity



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Date of publication: 2020-06-21 16:40:39
Date of submission: 2020-02-20 14:30:07


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