Food Quality Guarantee Systems as a Tool Supporting Biodiversity – Selected Examples

Monika Żuchowska-Grzywacz


The article attempts to present in legal terms activities that will play a supporting function in relation to biodiversity. These include food quality assurance systems (in particular, food production using traditional methods, using local raw materials), organic production and freedom from genetic recombination under the voluntary GMO-free labelling system. Due to the specifics of the study, the dogmatic method was used. It allowed the analysis of research material, which are the applicable provisions and draft EU regulations and national laws. In order to expand the issues and highlight the issues being the subject of the study, the method of content analysis and document analysis was used to show the relevance of the issue and its significant social significance. Critical interpretation of texts, in particular legal ones, in turn allowed to determine current trends. The views of the representatives of the science of law were analyzed, and to the extent necessary representatives of other sciences. Legal acts, legal monographs, comments and scientific articles were used. The analysis was aimed at demonstrating and emphasizinge the multi-faceted and complexity of the issue.


biodiversity; food quality assurance systems; regional product; traditional product; GMO-free



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Date of publication: 2020-06-21 16:40:40
Date of submission: 2020-02-04 17:46:35


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