The Belarusian Poetry in Translations by Ukrainian Neo-Classic Poets

Людмила Сірик


Poetic translations, as an important example of Ukrainian and Belarusian literary connec­tions and as means of axiological understanding of national creative writing, are considered in the article.The subject of study is the Belarusian poetry of the 20th century in translations by two generations of Ukrainian neo-classics.Special attention is paid to the Ukrainian neoclassical heritage in the Belarusian poetry translation, the content of poems on the levels of topics, prob­lems and ideological issues, the adequacy of artistic translations.The subject of the analysis are the poems by Maksim Bohdanovič, Yanka Kupala, their translations into Ukrainian by Mychay­lo Drai-Khmara, Maksym Rylskiy and Hryhoriy Kochur.The study revealed that the Belarusian poetry in translation by neo-classics has humanistic and national liberation character.In turn, translators, having priorities in the aesthetic and civic aspects, at the same time, showed the highest level of adequate and highly artistic translation.


Poetic translations, as an important example of Ukrainian and Belarusian literary connections and as means of axiological understanding of national creative writing, are considered in the article The subject of study is the Belarusian poetry of the 20th



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Date of publication: 2018-03-21 08:34:35
Date of submission: 2017-07-15 18:53:33


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