Humor in "Pouch of Laughter" by Karol Żera

Вaдзiм Корань


The article deals with the humorous writing collection Pouch of Laughter by Karol Żera. The collection has two published lists, its main purpose is didactic-entertaining. It was created to meet the aesthetic needs of both the author and the reader, and is designed for a good education of the latter. In Pouch of Laughter, there are some interesting cases from the life of the Polish-Belarusian gentry, excerpts from the sermons of priests, funny songs, proverbs, riddles, epigrams on coats of arms, etc. The article identifies sources of the writing collection, draws attention to the connection with folklore and affirms that Żera can be considered as one of the founders of the collection of folk art, and also shows the thematic variety of stories included in the writing collection and its significance for the 18th-century literature’s history of Belarus.


Pouch of Laughter, version, manuscript, humor, irony, comical effect, folklore



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Date of publication: 2018-03-21 08:34:35
Date of submission: 2017-07-15 08:50:59


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