Emperor Commodus’ ‘Bellum desertorum’

Ireneusz Łuć


The article describes circumstances in which ‘the war with the deserters’ took place in the mid-180s AD in the Roman state. Criminal activity of Maternus, a deserter from the Roman army, who managed to surround himself with a large group of people excluded from the boundaries of legality, was transformed into an open rebellion against Commodus. Reconstruction of the circumstances outlined in the article that accompanied the formal requalifying the deserters and common outlaws as the ‘enemies of Rome’ would not be possible without including literary and epigraphic sources, as well as those referring to the Roman law. Only after having taken into account all the available evidence related to this topic can one provide a critical and multifaceted analysis of the history. Rejecting this approach would not allow to verify the current state of knowledge in this area, and therefore, to offer a slightly different interpretation.


Commodus; Maternus; deserters; rebellion; war; Roman army soldiers

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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.17951/rh.2020.49.61-95
Date of publication: 2020-12-21 13:05:15
Date of submission: 2019-08-06 19:16:44


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