Biographic Entries on the Governors of Arabia (c. 356–363 AD). An Attempt in Reconsideration of Libanius’ Letters

Paweł Filipczak


The surviving sources provide very little detail on the governors of Arabia in Late Antiquity (AD 284–641). The best documented period is the late 350s and early 360s, for which most information comes from several letters of Libanius of Antioch; a number of writings by that renowned rhetorician are at the core of all present-day lists and biographical notes on the governors of Arabia in that period. A closer look at Libanius’ letters, for all their ambiguity, does nevertheless invite a revision of the current state of knowledge, either through confirming earlier findings, or correcting and supplementing them.


Libanius; Arabia; province; governor

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Date of publication: 2020-12-28 11:39:53
Date of submission: 2019-07-25 16:43:23


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