Is It Worth Publishing Anthologies of Sermons? On the Margins Kazania w kulturze polskiej. Edycje Kolekcji Tematycznych [Sermons in Polish Culture. Editions of Thematic Collections], ed. Kazimierz Panuś, vols. 1–3, Wydawnictwo UNUM, Kraków 2014, pp. 1849

Krzysztof Bracha


The article discusses the goals and methods for publishing anthologies of old sermons in connection with the publication of the monumental three-volume edition comprising a total of 1849 print pages, entitled: Sermons in Polish Culture. Editions of Thematic Collections, ed. K. Panuś, Vols. 1–3, Kraków 2014. This edition onsists of three separate collections of thematic sermons: Marian Sermons, vol. 1; Funeral Sermons, vol. 2; and Passion Sermons, vol. 3. It is the largest compendium of old preaching texts representing the homiletic tradition from the Middle Ages to the 21st century in Polish humanities. The three volumes comprise a total of 69 editions of original Polish sermons and translations from Latin, in the following order: 33 Marian, 15 Funeral and 21 Passion sermons. The compendium gathers 62 preachers’ talks from the Middle Ages, including Peregryn of Opole, Mateusz of Kraków, Mikołaj of Błonie, Stanisław of Skarbimierz, Jan of Szamotuły; and from the modern era, including Grzegorz Orszak, Jakub Wujek, Piotr Skarga, Krzysztof Kraiński, Fabian Birkowski, Szymon Starowolski; as well as contemporary authors, such as Stefan Wyszyński, Karol Wojtyła, and Józef Tischner. Each volume is preceded by a separate extensive introduction (by R. Mazurkiewicz, K. Panuś, M. Skwara, J. S. Gruchała) which presents the current state of research and lists of abbreviations, and states the principles of the publication and transcription. The main difficulty in preparing the anthology was the choice of the editing method, which could not be uniform due to the variety of time periods, the choice of authors, and the fact that Latin translations, original Old Polish versions, and texts in contemporary Polish were all included in one series. The editorial work was done in accordance with codicological, philological, and factual standards. Questions may arise with regard to the language. Would not it have been better to include the Latin sermons in the form of a testimonium? It was a result of the authors’ compromise between maintaining the editorial level, and the intention of making the ‘valuable source material for the history of language, literature, art, religious culture, spirituality, and customs widely available’. The answer to the question posed in the title of the article is positive. It is worth, as long as the edition and the critical apparatus go hand in hand with the proper selection of material and adopting a complementary, interdisciplinary perspective on sermons understood as pieces of sacral writing for spiritual development and religious teaching, which, consequently, become a treasury of ideas and language.


preaching, religiosity, source editing

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Date of publication: 2019-12-13 09:01:54
Date of submission: 2019-03-19 20:24:10


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