From ‘fortes milites’ to ‘muli Mariani’ – the Physical Strength of the Soldiers of the Roman Army in the Period of the Roman Republic

Ireneusz Łuć


During the Roman republic the compulsory military service forced Romulus’s descendants to pay special attention to physical fitness and mental strength. Both elements played a special role during military service and were important from the perspective of individual citizens as well as that of the entire Roman society. Therefore, the author of this article attempted a reconstruction of the process of military training, which consisted in various forms of exercises and physical tasks, and which effectively prepared Romans for the hardships and dangers of service in the legions. Information on the psychophysical strength of Roman soldiers, which was a phenomenon commonly known in their times, was derived from various types of sources (narratives, inscriptions, papyri and archaeological artifacts). The literature referenced in the study supports the claims made by the author.


Roman army, legion, military training, physical fitness, mental strength, equipment, logistics, military discipline

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Date of publication: 2019-04-25 10:00:24
Date of submission: 2018-08-22 16:24:55


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