The Strategy and Tactics of Henry II During the Defence of Normandy in 1173–1174

Wojciech Lorek


In 1173, the King of England Henry II Plantagenet was confronted with a strategically difficult task, as a result of dangerous military situation. He was forced to fight on several fronts against expected hostile actions in the Northern and the Middle England, as well as in Normandy, because his sons: Henry, known as the “Young King”, Richard, and Geoffrey had rebelled against him as the Sovereign. They were supported by a strong coalition led by the King Louis VII of France. Their primary objective was to capture the Duchy of Normandy with its heart – Rouen. For this reason, the city was the main target for attacks directed from the South, North-East and West. Henry II treated the defence of that strategically and economically important region as the pivotal task during the war. The purpose of the article is to analyse Henry II Plantagenet’s innovative strategy and tactics during the defence of Normandy in 1173–1174. The other important task is to point the “Old King’s” warfare skills that permitted him to repulse not only the individual attacks of his enemies, but also enabled him to win the war.


strategy and tactics, Plantagenets, Angevin Empire, The Great Revolt 1173–1174, Normandy, Henry II of England, medieval warfare

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Date of publication: 2019-04-25 10:00:29
Date of submission: 2017-10-14 14:18:24


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