Vespasian as the Creator of Senatorial Elite

Sebastian Ruciński


The most significant novum in the history of the senatorial order during the reign of the Flavian dynasty was an unprecedented promotion of homines novi who originated from the equestrian order and municipal elites. The process was forced on one hand by the losses which the senatorial order had suffered under Nero’s reign during the struggle for power in the years 68–70, and on the other hand by the necessity to pay political debts to the people who supported the Flavians’ caesarian aspirations during the civil war. Thanks to these promotions the Caesars bought the support of political elites they themselves created. In the process, the details of which are impossible to follow, citizens of some provinces, especially Spain, Gaul, and later the eastern provinces, acquired the appreciation of the Caesars. Despite the presence of new members, the Italian citizens maintained their dominant position in the Senate. Vespasian did not enable the newly elected senators to advance quickly. In this way he maintained a balance between the old aristocracy and the new elites.


the Flavians, senatorial order, censorship, adlectio, cursus honorum

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Edycje źródłowe

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Date of publication: 2019-04-25 10:00:25
Date of submission: 2017-09-25 16:03:13


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