Ius Valachicum dans la Pologne médiévale. Partie II: la colonisation valaque dans les anciennes Terra Chelmensis et Terra Lublinensis selon les sources conservées dans les Archives d’État à Lublin

Grzegorz Jawor


The source texts contained in the current edition, collected from different archive units from State Archives in Lublin, are the continuation of the text published in the renowned Romanian journal “Istros” in 2014. The areas of Chełm and Lublin region were not intensively colonised by Walachian settlement at the turn of the Middle Ages and at the beginning of the modern times. It was used only in those areas which could not be colonized by regular farmers due to natural conditions, or when particular owners of farming villages strove to enrich their current agricultural profile with the breeding aspect, which took place through settling particular Walachian families. Thus, the significance of this period in the times of Walachian colonization was not to be found in its spread, the number of colonists or the villages inhabited by them. Instead, it is notable that those few Walachian settlements indicate the northern borderline of this colonising movement on the border of Lesser Poland and Red Ruthenia. Interestingly, the occurrence of villages which are 300 kilometers away from mountain areas, and which used Ius Valachicum, seems to contradict the established notion of Walachian settlement taking place only in the mountains and their neighbouring areas.


Ius Valachicum; Vlachs; Vallachian settlement; shepherding

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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.17951/rh.2015.40.235
Date of publication: 2016-04-27 12:13:23
Date of submission: 2016-04-27 09:38:17


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